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Writer: ravindrapairavindrapai

A seven days NSS Special Camp was held from 23rd December to 29th December 2021 at GLPS Yedaparamba. The theme of the camp was “Caring the Nature, Serving the Humankind”. Totally 46 NSS volunteers of the unit took active part in the camp.

The NSS volunteers reached the camp venue on 23rd eve. The camp was officially inaugurated on 24th by Adv.A.P Usha, President of Delampady Grama Panchayath by hoisting the NSS flag. Mr Surendran (Kshemakarya standing committee Chairman, Delampady Grama Panchayath), Mrs. Nalinakshi (Arogya Vidhyabhyasa standing committee), Very Rev Fr Stany Pereira (Correspondent, St Mary's Institution), Rev Fr. Anil Avild Lobo (Principal, St. Mary’s college), Mr. Vincent D'Souza (Vice Principal, St. Mary’s College) were the chief guests for the occasion.

The camp was scheduled into three parts; input sessions by the resource persons, contributory service to the society and the recreational activities in the evening. The sessions were conducted by Adv. Ranjith P N, Mahesh Yethadka (HSST, SSHSS Kattukukke Best volunteer award winner) and Prof. A Sreenath (State level NSS award winner). All the three sessions enlightened the volunteers with self-development of their personality and community development concepts.

As the contributory service to the society volunteers undertook the activities like cleaning the surrounding by picking plastics, wrappers, waste materials, removing the weeds from both the sides of the local road, and assisting the farmers in the construction of a dam for irrigation purpose. As a contribution to the nature and to the school campus the volunteers set up a beautiful flower garden.

As part of the recreational activities along with the villagers the volunteers organized cultural events. This helped in working as a group with the local people to expose their talents through various stage performances. The cultural programme entertained the people present with comedy skits, dances, solo and group singing etc.

On 29th December 2021, the camp ended with a valedictory function. It was presided over by Rev. Fr. Anil Avild Lobo, the Principal of St Mary’s College, Bela. NSS programme officer Mr.Anoop presented the report of activities held. The local leaders of Yadaparamba appreciated the volunteers and the assisting staff members for their vibrant participation in the camp and making it a successful and memorable one. Mr Anoop, the NSS Programme officer proposed the vote of thanks. He commended the helping and caring nature of the villagers, co-operation by local authorities.

Through the camp the students enriched themselves by experiencing real life situation of the people of in remote areas. They could very well understand the hurdles faced by the villagers, handwork of the farmers, and their fraternity and love for the nature. Nevertheless, the NSS volunteers could learn to face the real-life situation by themselves and to stand with each other and cope up with the situations of their life that they may encounter in the future days to come.



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